Each month AccuForce recognizes an Associate from each of our branches for outstanding work and contribution.
Our Associate of the Month for May for the Lenoir office is Josh Debrow! He is staffed at Pregis Corp as a Machine Operator. The supervisor had many positive things to say about Josh. He has been there for about a month, and they said he has great dedication and is a fast learner. They are very happy to have Josh on their team! Here at AccuForce this is something we love to here! We also told Josh to keep up the great work, and how proud of him we are here at AccuForce!!
Todd Williamson is our Knoxville Associate of the Month for May! He works at Bush Brothers and has perfect attendance and volunteers for every overtime opportunity. Has a great attitude and steps up whenever needed. Thanks for all of your hard work, Todd!
Congratulations to Milton Vaughn who is our Morganton Associate of the Month for May. He is a great worker! His coworkers and supervisors are very impressed with his great attitude and willingness to help others. Way to set a great example Milton!
Ronnie McQueen is our Johnson City Associate of the Month for May! He is an excellent employee that takes on extra work whenever asked and has had no absences since he started with Mullican. Great work, Ronnie!
Our Hickory Associate of the Month for May is Joshua Ross. Joshua started out as a packer for HSM-PTI Solutions and was quickly promoted to a machine operating position. He is reliable and dependable, often working over time. We are very thankful for his dedication! He is pictured here with AccuForce Regional Manager Justin Baisden (on right).
Congratulations to Cynthia Garcia who is our Morristown Associate of the Month for May! She works at Barrette Outdoor Living and was promoted within her first 30 days. She always does her best. She has a great attitude and works really hard! Great job Cynthia! She is pictured here with Senior Career Specialist Lisa Thompson (on right).
Congratulations to Brandon Dailey who is our Greeneville Associate of the Month for May! His supervisor let us know that he did a great job taking initiative of a situation (where a fellow team member was falling behind in) that the team needed without having to be asked or told it was an issue. They said they appreciated that he took charge and made a decision that helped ensure quality. “Please give him kudos for a job well done!” said his supervisor. Great work and wish we had a million more like you, Brandon! His pictured here with AccuForce onsite supervisor, Vicki Brown (of left) and John Deere supervisor, Emily Seaton.